Sunday, January 25, 2009

A good productive study break!

Seeing as I am horseless out here in flat-lander land (aka Saskatchewan) I am becoming creative in ways to take a mental break and get some physical activity. Went tonight and played innertube basketball in the co-rec intermural league at school. Play on the vet school "lame ducks" team and was the only first year to show, guess everybody else thought studying was a better idea for our exam at 8am tomorrow, guess we'll find out! I had a blast though. You sit in an inner tube and paddle around with your arms and legs tossing a waterpolo ball around and trying to score in the little basketball nets. It is really just a tons of fun, lots of splashing and knocking the other team out of their tubes.... the funny part is then watching them try to get back in! Its a great cardio work out and your arms and abs hurt pretty bad by the end! We ended up winning 8-5 and now with the endorphin rush I think I'll be up past midnight studying.... wish me luck! Only 6 more sleeps till I get to go visit the ponies!


Sherry Sikstrom said...

I am sure you will do well .Sounds like it was a lot of fun!
Have a great week ,see you Saturday

greymare said...

I bet they didn't know they had a ringer on their team. with your swimming background and three years of highschool waterpolo, you kicked butt I'm sure. sometimes you need to change lanes when it comes to studying, Probably did you a world of good. Just wish you were looking forward to seeing us as you are your ponies. good luck tomorrow. see you soon

White Horse Jumping said...

you know I cant wait to see you guys too...... but I cant talk to the ponies over the phone!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Just wondering ,will there be a new post soon?